I was very disappointed on being accepted to Rhodes that I had to choose two more subjects to add on to the burden of trying to make it in university. I know it would make my life even more difficult and I was right. Instead of focusing on subjects that I know I am good at I have to focus on two extra subjects that cripple me and really take my time. On arriving at Rhodes I realised this was not my problem alone.
Other universities offer the single major or double major alone. Why does Rhodes have to make life so difficult for us. This is the reason why most if not all people drop out of Rhodes. It is not because their major is hard. It is because the extra subjects they have to do are hard. Rhodes would not be any less of a university, or lower in standards because of offering less subjects, in fact it would have higher standards and higher distinction rates. It is very hard to push at subjects that one cannot do because of limited choice and limited time. Rhode University is letting down a lot of willing students because they are pulled down by this issue.
The amount of work and the number of credits is painful to attain. Student who make it in Rhodes are mostly at high stress and fatigue levels all the time. I failed all my subjects last term. This is because I had to concentrate on two other subjects that I absolutely have no talent for. Another reason is the lack of broad choice. I am stuck at a cross roads knowing that there are high chances of me loosing out on a huge opportunity because Rhodes has made these conditions that are so hard to maintain. This is a problem we are all facing.
It is unfair and unreasonable that Rhodes has to put us through all this pain. Students would function so much better if they only had to focus on their two or three majors from the beginning. Rhodes would even be able to accept more students because departments would not be so overwhelmed with extra subject students.
I feel Rhodes has disappointed many. It is a good institution but it needs to reform in its conditions and what it offers.