Sunday, September 28, 2008

Monday Morning.

Why cruel CompSci, why? Why must you drag me out of my warm and delicious bed to the bane of my existence that is the Monday dawnie?

In a student timetable, there are two things which are to be avoided if at all possible. the first of these is Mondays. The second is dawnies - first period lectures that have you up with the sun. Cross these and you get something between a suicide attempt and cruel and unusual forms of punishment.

Sounds bad already right? Add to this that I am one of those masochistic BA students who insists on doing a Science subject - Computer Science. Now you know roughly my frame of mind when presented with a mathematical algorithm and being told: "Work this out. Now". Just to make sure you aren't slacking (like 50% of the class who didn't show up), the ex-Dean of Science is going to prowl around with a menacing look of contempt for all you lowly first years.

Moral of the story: Don't attend Monday dawnies. You can always catch up the work later, wost comes to worst and you miss a lecture a week.

Now please excuse me, I have some sleeping to catch up on. Mmmmm.

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